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Together we play, learn and succeed

'Dorridge Primary SChooL'

Year 2

The Year 2 team is Miss Thornton, Miss Pitt, Mrs Melville and Mrs Barker

TLSA's - Mrs Taylor, Mrs Morris, Mrs Mason

Welcome to Year 2

Welcome to Year 2

There is a Welcome presentation for Key Stage1. Click on one of the links below. 

Welcome to Key Stage One September 2024

KS1 information sheet

Spring term 2025

Happy New Year! We have an exciting Spring term ahead of us in Year 2. We will be moving onto our new DPC unit of work focusing on holidays and travel, called ‘From A to B’. We will be finding out about different modes of transport used throughout history and how new technology has changed the way we travel. Our children will have the chance to learn about children's lives from different countries and even learn a few words in other languages. In geography, we will be focusing on physical and human features of different locations and learning basic map skills. We will also be learning about the history of Dorridge, exploring features in the local area and making our own maps of Dorridge. In art, we will be learning about a range of artists and how they use different media to create pictures of vehicles. Our daily English, spelling and maths sessions will continue to be practical, engaging and, wherever possible, linked to our overall topic. We are continuing to focus on reading for pleasure during our whole-class reading sessions and working hard on our comprehension skills during shared reading. In maths, we will be completing a range of units including Money, Shape, Measurement and Multiplication and Division. Within this, the children will be completing lots of practical activities using the equipment and models they are familiar with. In science, we will be learning about animals and their needs, their life processes, as well as seasonal changes in our local environment. We will be delving into the world of plants, looking at the structure of a plant, and what they require to grow healthy and strong. If any parents have any experience in our units of work, please reach out to your child's class teacher to arrange a visit into school.

Curriculum Overview

You can find more details of the Dorridge Primary Curriculum on the Curriculum and Subject pages on the menu to the left. Below, you will find an overview of our termly units, with a brief overview of the areas we will be covering. We are always looking to enrich our curriculum with people who have worked in the industry, therefore if you or someone you know has worked a job linking to our topics, we would love to have you in to speak to the children. If you/someone you know is willing to do this, please contact your child's class teacher.

 Year 2 DPC Overview 2024-2025