Year 3
The Year 3 team is Mrs Biddlecombe, Mrs Finnegan and Mrs Nankivell
TLSA's - Mrs Harden
Welcome to Year 3
There is a Welcome to School presentation for each year group.
Welcome to Year 3 Parent Information evening September 2024
AUTUMN Term 2024
We are delighted to welcome your children to Year 3 as we begin a new journey together in Key Stage 2. They have made a wonderful start to the new academic year and are settling well into their new learning environment.
From the beginning of term, Year 3 will be busy reading! In addition to our reading for pleasure class book and their own reading books from the library and the reading scheme, in class, we will also be reading a different novel each term and using this to improve our vocabulary and comprehension. Each class is reading a different book, so please ask your child about their current class reader. We do ask for your support with reading at home at least 5 times a week. Regular reading at home really does positively impact on their classroom confidence and learning progression across the whole curriculum.
In English, we will begin by studying fractured stories and writing our very own modified fairy tales. Imagine if the story changed to Goldilocks and The Three Grizzly Bears! In the second half of the term, our focus will then move onto non-fiction texts. As we get to know the children more over the coming few weeks and learn more about their interests, we will decide on a suitable writing topic for this unit.
Maths will begin with an exploration of number. Our place value unit extends the children’s prior understanding of number to all numbers up to 1000. Our learning will then move onto our addition & subtraction unit. Please do keep practising their number bonds (within 10, 20 and 100) and speedy recall of their times-tables at home as this will help with all our topics.
Science focuses firstly on animals and human skeletons. The children will even get to dissect an owl pellet in search of the leftover bones from their diet! In Autumn term 2, we shall move onto our ‘Light’ unit and learn about light sources and how light travels.
We start with a history-based topic in DPC: 'Tombs, Temples and Treasures', looking at life in Ancient Egypt and learning more about this fascinating time. In Autumn 2, we then move to a geography theme, ‘Saving Our World’. Having located rainforests around the world and examined their geographical features, we will compare our lives to those who live in the rainforest and consider different perspectives on how the rainforest should be used. Our Art and DT learning will all link into these topics and will include making a pneumatic Nile Crocodile toy.
In RE, the children shall learn about Diwali before moving onto Islamic Rites of Passage. Music shall begin with a great start of term song called ‘Let your spirit fly’, before moving onto a unit that focuses around exploring and developing playing skills through the glockenspiel.
Finally, on the sporting front, the Sports Coaches will lead our weekly P.E lessons. Please ensure that your child wears their PE kit to school every Friday. Forest school shall alternate on a half-termly basis: starting with 3D this half term on Fridays and 3P in Autumn 2. Please refer to your child’s Home School Organiser for more information on this.
What an exciting term! If you have any first-hand experience that might enhance any of the learning units planned, please do let your child’s class teacher know.
Curriculum Overview
You can find more details of the Dorridge Primary Curriculum on the Curriculum and Subject pages.