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Together we play, learn and succeed

'Dorridge Primary SChooL'

Year 4

he Year 4 team is Mrs Molloy,  Miss Gee and Mrs Baillie and Miss Richardson.

TLSA's - Miss Hewitt

Mrs Meyers, Mrs Taylor, Mrs Harvey

Welcome to Year 4

Welcome to Year 4 2023-2024

spring term 2025

Welcome back and Happy New year to all! Shared Reading this term will continue, but each class will start a new novel, 4D will be reading The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe; 4P will be reading Charlotte’s Web and 4S Varjak’s Paw. All three texts are enjoyable, and we know the children will love reading them with their class. In English, we will begin by looking the story The Match Box Diaries which is a lovely, illustrated story about families and their memories. The children will then move on to performance poetry and judging from the Christmas play they will all love performing and learning the poems. Maths is heavily focussed on times tables. We will continue our White Rose unit on multiplication and division, and we will learn the remaining times tables. Through a daily Maths Mastery lesson, we will be focussing on patterns within the tables, and we will be ‘Going for Gold’ to learn all of the table’s facts taught for our assessment in June. All support with learning the timetables facts and being able to recall them in 6 seconds will be gratefully accepted – thank you. We will continue with our guitar lessons on a Friday afternoon and we’re really proud of how much the children have learned already. We will begin our ‘Active Planet' unit, for DPC, in which we will be learning about natural disasters that occur around the world. We will build our understanding about volcano eruptions; how earthquakes and tsunamis happen; and what the impact is like on communities where they occur. In Science, children will be learning about digestion, thinking about how their food travels through their bodies. We’ll then look at electricity, including keeping safe around electricity and learning about circuits and conductors. In design and technology, we will be designing our own healthy salads, linking to a balanced diet and practising our food preparation skills. Hopefully the children can create salads for you at home. As always, any concerns over the half term please do not hesitate to contact your child’s class teacher.

Curriculum Overview

You can find more details of the Dorridge Primary Curriculum on the Curriculum and Subject pages on the menu to the left. Please see below a letter to parents that explains the sort of things that are being covered in each of the units. 

Year 4 IPC Overview 2022-2023

Footprints from the Past

Active Planet