Curriculum Intent
‘Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything’ – Plato
‘There are two means of refuge from [unhappiness]: music and cats’ – adapted from Albert Schweitzer
At Dorridge, we recognise the positive impact of creativity on our lives. It enables personal growth, confidence and well-being. Music plays an enormous part in the life of our school, from everyday singing in assembly, MFL and phonics lessons, to celebrations across the whole school and local communities at Harvest Festival and Christmas, and in the year 6 Leavers’ performance.
Curriculum Implementation
Our music curriculum is part of the school’s inclusive, broad and balanced curriculum, celebrating diversity and contributing to pupils’ ability to flourish in society. Whole class teaching each term includes performing skills (singing and playing), composing skills (creating and developing ideas), appraising skills (responding and reviewing), and listening and applying knowledge and understanding. Where appropriate, the music planning is linked closely to the IPC and science curricula.
We use the Charanga Scheme of Work introduced September 2020 from Year 1 to Year 6, based on its adapted for Covid Scheme. It builds on the performance and music reading skills that pupils currently acquire in Years 2 and 4. In EYFS we use Music Express as part of the Expressive Arts and Design area of development. Our aims are to build a love of a wide range of musical genres, and to equip all of our children with the knowledge and skills to continue playing instruments when they enter secondary school and in later life.
The Interrelated Dimensions of Music
- In EYFS and Key Stage 1, children learn how to play a range of tuned and untuned instruments.
- In Year 2, pupils begin to read simple standard notation whilst learning to play the recorder as a whole class. This ability to read music is built on year by year throughout Key Stage 2.
- In Year 4 all children have the opportunity to learn to play guitar as a whole class through the Whole
Class Ensemble Tuition (WCET), provided by Solihull Music Service.
- In Upper Key Stage 2, pupils begin to perform in mixed ensembles on a variety of instruments.
Musical Progression Key Stage 1
Musical Progression Key Stage 2
Styles and Cross-Curricular Links Key Stage 1
Styles and Cross-Curricular Links Key Stage 2
We provide a wide range of musical experiences for each child to develop as a performer, listener and creator. We encourage children to appreciate music in its many forms and give them the opportunity to experience and explore music from other countries and cultures.
Extra Curricular Music
We are fortunate to have access to excellent teaching from Solihull Music Service. We employ a specialist violin teacher who offers small group tuition for violin (following an aptitude test) to Year 2 children. In Key Stage 2, children may have strings, woodwind, brass or guitar lessons in small groups. Each of the superb peripatetic teachers showcases their own pupils at different times throughout the year, including those who are just beginning their musical training as well as more advanced learners. Families are, of course, always welcome at these events.
Once a week, pupils come together across the year groups in our school orchestra and choir, often entertaining and inspiring us with their talents in assembly. They are directed by Mr Salt, who can always be counted on to put together an exciting and inclusive programme that takes into account pupils’ musical preferences and abilities.
The choir enjoy performing outside school too, singing at the NEC in the acclaimed Young Voices concert as well as at Birchmere Mews Residential Care Home in Solihull. In the past, we have sung at the Marie Curie Hospice in Solihull, Costa Coffee in Dorridge, and with Knowle Male Voice Choir at charity fundraising concerts for Birmingham Children’s Hospital and The Midlands Air Ambulance Service.