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'Dorridge Primary SChooL'


Dorridge Primary School Governing Body

The Governing Body is made up of parents, teaching and non-teaching staff and co-opted representatives from the local community. The Governors work in close partnership with the Headteacher and staff to promote high standards of educational achievement. The Full Governing Body, Resources and Education sub-committees meet formally once a term.

The Governors are happy to be contacted at any time if parents have any matters they wish to discuss.

The Chair of the Governing Body is Martin Fortune, contact with whom can be made through the School. Parent Governors are elected by parents and can make representation on their behalf but they are not delegates and have no obligation to report back to parents as a body.

All Governors may be contacted via the School Office

Dorridge LGB Membership & Attendance 2023-2024

Martin fortune

Chair of Governors

I’ve been a Governor at Dorridge School for over 20 years and prior to that I was on the PTA when both my daughters attended the school, so our family involvement goes back almost 3 decades. I am very proud to be associated with Dorridge Primary School which achieves consistently excellent results (academic and otherwise) from happy, inquisitive children thanks to dedicated staff, engaged and demanding parents and a supportive community. Having recently retired from careers in the RAF and the waste and recycling industry, I have more time to give to my new position as Chair of Governors. My role is to continually challenge and support the professionals in providing (y)our children with the best skills and experiences at DPS, to prepare them for secondary school and life beyond. We must never become complacent. The part that I enjoy most is mixing with young people during visits to school and trips away as their infectious enthusiasm for everything is uplifting.

ben williams

Vice Chair of Governors

I joined as a parent governor in January 2018 and am the Vice-Chair of the Governing Board. All three of my children are or have been Dorridge pupils and my family love the school! We have always valued the combination of academic drive and caring atmosphere. I believe a school excels when leaders and staff are simultaneously supported and challenged by governors acting as critical friends. I am a barrister with a broad practice across a range of criminal and regulatory work and I also sit part-time as a Crown Court judge. This helps me both ask tough questions internally and speak up for the school’s interests.


Co-opted Governor 

My background is education so when we moved to the Midlands as a family and my eldest son attended Arden and youngest (twins) went through Dorridge, I became a Parent Governor serving 2 terms before becoming an LA Governor. I have just completed 28 years…. 10 of these as Chair. I recently became a Trustee at Arden.
I currently Chair LA Schools Forum and sit around many tables involving Inclusion, Ed Send, SSSAB and Joint Additional Needs and Disability Board. I’m passionate about providing great opportunities for all young people but particularly with additional needs.

Nick williams

Co-Opted Governor and Chair of the Teaching & Learning Committee

I am proud to have been a Dorridge Primary governor since January 2018, initially joining as a parent governor, now a co-opted governor and Chair of the Teaching &A Learning Committee.
I have been in education as a teacher since 1994 and have experience of teaching across the private and state comprehensive system. I am link governor for Physical Education and Humanities.

Annette whalley

Co-opted Governor

I joined Dorridge as a Co-opted Governor in 2019 having previously been a Parent Governor at George Fentham Endowed School. At work I head up financial education for a bank, working with schools across the country to support the development of financial capability for young people in primary, secondary and higher education. As a mum of two girls, in my working life and as a governor, I am passionate about the importance of giving young people the skills that they need to navigate a challenging world and schools play an essential part in this. I have worked for a number of large brands across my career both in finance and healthcare and so bring a range of experience to support the work of the governing board and school community at Dorridge School.

Clare gow

Co-opted Governor

I joined as a Parent Governor in 2018. Both my daughters attended Dorridge, and I am delighted to be part of the school team that supports the Headteachers and staff and strives for the well-being and safety of all our children. I am a Chartered Secretary by profession, advising on corporate governance and compliance for a range of businesses during my career. My legal and governance skills help me oversee the financial security and correct governance of the school, and how this builds a better future for everyone involved.



Co-opted Governor

I have been a Governor for over 20 years. I initially joined as a Parent Governor, when my two sons were pupils at Dorridge Infants and Junior schools. After the school became Dorridge Primary, I was a community/co-opted Governor with a particular interest in Special Educational Needs.
My current role as Assistant SENDCo gives me unique knowledge of the school, the needs of its pupils and an understanding of the organisational challenges. I am passionate about DPS, its staff and each and every pupil, and extremely proud to be a member of the board of Governors.

Cathy biddlecombe

Staff Governor

I was elected as staff governor in Summer 24 having worked at the school for the last 6 years. Within school, I am Year Lead in Year 3 and English Lead.  Before teaching (and children of my own!), I was an Associate Residential Property Development Lawyer with an international law firm. After time away from my career to look after my 3 children, I decided to change career and completed my school direct training at Dorridge. I have prior experience as a parent governor and have lived in the local area for over 18 years.


caroline may

Parent Governor

Dorridge really is one big family and I am proud to have contributed, as a parent governor, over the last 2 years. My experience as a teacher, in both main stream and special education, has enabled me to support the vision for the school. As a governing body we continually drive high standards for all pupils, whilst ensuring the curriculum is full of exciting opportunities. Most of all however, we want our children to be nurtured and safe, so that their individual talents can shine through. 


max gimson

Parent Governor

I have been a Parent Governor since 2022. I stood for election because I strongly believe that a good education gives children the best opportunity to fulfil their potential. I have 30 years of finance and property experience, having worked for both funders and industry, and I believe this gives me a sound foundation to help ensure that Dorridge Primary School has strong governance.

laura ward-jones

Parent Governor

My eldest child started at Dorridge in 2020 and my youngest joined in 2023. I was elected on to the Governing Board by parents at the school in October 2022. As a primary school teacher, my professional background in education equips me with valuable insights into teaching practices, curriculum design and the everyday realities teachers face. This enables me to engage effectively in discussions about school improvement, curriculum development and fostering an inclusive learning environment. As a parent, I am committed to ensuring that the needs of both students and families are considered in decision making processes. I am committed to supporting the school in its mission to provide high quality education and ensure that every child has the opportunity to succeed. 

haseena iqbal

Parent Governor

I became a parent governor in 2023. I have had 2 children who have been through the school and currently have 2 children still attending, so am very invested in the quality of education and environment that the school provides. My professional background is healthcare and well being. I am therefore passionate about ensuring a setting that appropriately nurtures children of all backgrounds and health needs.