The main aim of Dorridge Primary School’s Eco-Council is to remind everyone in school to save energy and reduce, recycle and reuse.
The Eco-Council is pupil-led and consists of one child nominated to represent each class from Year 1 to Year 6. These pupils play key roles in decision-making and participate in reducing the environmental impact of the school. The Eco-Council representatives are dedicated and enthusiastic individuals who work hard to improve and develop the school for the better. The Eco-Council meets once a week to discuss environmental issues and the changes the council would like to see made around the school. Eco-Council is led by class teacher Mrs Brookson and assisted by our Head Teacher, Mrs Ashe, the board of school Governors and the school site manager.
The Eco-Council committee process offers a useful model for successful communication and decision-making. The councillors, elected by their classmates, are children who already have a strong sense of environmental responsibility. Ideas are brought to the committee for discussion and decisions are reached democratically.
Each Eco-councillor takes the committee’s ideas and suggestions back to their class and to the whole school, through assemblies and into our school community. In this way, Eco-Council extends learning beyond the classroom and develops responsible attitudes both at home and in the wider community.
Our Eco-Council is a place to make positive changes and to make a difference. By encouraging and supporting pupils to take responsibility for the environmental management of the school, children will develop and build a sense of responsibility for their surroundings. Dorridge Eco-Council encourages pupils to help further develop our caring school community where the ideas of others are valued and action is taken in response to these ideas.
Energy saving in school
We are delighted to be an accredited LESS CO2 school. This means that we have been learning to save energy within our school, engaging with our staff and students about energy saving, as well as linking sustainability to our children's learning. The work doesn’t stop there, and we will continue to make great strides to reduce our energy use in our school. You can find out more about the LESS CO2 programme by visiting the Ashden website:
We are also proud to say all of our information technology equipment goes to an approved recycling centre and none to landfill.
If there are any parents or carers out there who would like to support us in our ongoing energy-saving work, please let the school office know.
What Eco Council think
We asked our newly formed Eco-Council in September. What are you hoping to do? What are you passionate about?
Year 1
'I wanted something to take action on and save the world'.
'To save the world and make the world a better place'
Year 2
'I care about plants and bugs. I want to plant vegetables and save the planet'.
'I want to save the world, plant more food and go to Packwood House'.
'I like plants and want to save the world. Packwood House looks good'
Year 3
'I love nature and I want to save the environment like the animals'
'Help the world and climate change. Plant food'.
'Go to Packwood House and save the world!'
Year 4
'I like animals and we should look after them. Building scarecrows at Packwood House'
'Help nature, use less paper, plant vegetables and save the world'
'Help the environment and climate change to save the world'
Year 5
'Save the environment, plant trees to help climate change and hold competitions'
'Save the animals in the world and climate change and adopt oragutans'
'Plant more trees to help support climate change and have competitions in Eco-Council'
Year 6
'Make a difference to climate change, save the environment in our world'
'Make the world a better place, stop killing animals and stop litter'
'Saving sea animals. Stop littering. Plant vegetables and save our world'
Actions 2021-2022
Fairtrade Fortnight 21st February - 6th March - 90kg Rice Challenge
Eco-Council are proud to announce that for the third year running they are taking part in the Fairtrade Fortnight 90 kg Rice Challenge. The sale of 90 bags of rice will be enough to send a child in Malawi to school for a year. Parents and pupils are encouraged to purchase the rice via ParentPay at just £3.75 per bag and, once paid for, the bags are available to collect after school at the Eco-Council stall in the KS2 bike shed between 7th – 11th March.
‘Engines Off: Young Lungs at Work’ campaign beginning December 2021
Eco-Council are working with Parent Council, Councillor Courts, MP and Mrs Ashe on the Solihull Council campaign to raise awareness of the damaging effects caused by car engines left running. Eco-Council have written notes of support for the campaign to promote the message to switch engines off and reduce air pollution. These messages will be used to accompany the leaflet school have been sent by Solihull Council. Banners are displayed at the two main entrances into school to encourage parents to switch their car engines off whilst waiting for their children.
- 30% of children develop asthma because of air pollution, air pollution impacts adults and children – for life.
- Unborn babies are also at risk
- Pollution often settles at 1m above the ground the ‘ideal’ level to impact children’s lungs.
Further support information can also be found at Mums for Lungs and the Solihull Clean Air Strategy 2019-2024
Eco-Council were very excited to announce that one of our Year 6 Eco-Councillors had won an amazing competition run by the children's newspaper, First News. The Prime Minister wanted to hear the views of young people ahead of his attendance at COP26 with world leaders. Pearl sent her ideas and questions about climate change to Downing Street which is where she then headed during half term to meet Boris Johnson and help him prepare for this vital meeting in Glasgow in November.
Plant Share 8th October
Eco-Council held a plant share with the school. Eco-Councillors made posters for the event and manned the stall. These insect-friendly plants which were grown in our two flower beds, were given away by Eco-Council to anyone who wanted to help the bees. We asked people to plant them in their own gardens to help bees next summer. There was such a demand, that Eco-Council will be holding another plant share.
Eco-Council trip to Packwood House 27th September
Our Eco-Council harvested a range of vegetables at Packwood House to be made into soup. This would usually be given to the homeless however due to Covid this year it was made in the school kitchen by our wonderful cook Mrs Coughlan and sold by Eco-Council, raising a huge £200 for the worthy cause, Shelter.
The Great Big Green Week 20th -24th September
The Great Big Green Week resources
Communities across the country are joining together for the Great Big Green Week. It will be the biggest event for climate and nature ever in the UK.
What Eco-Council 2021-2022 think
We asked the children why they wanted to become an Eco-Councillor and here are some of their responses
Year 1
'I want to look after the Earth' Theo
'I want to save animals' Aaron
'I want to look after Nature. I want to give animals a good home and help them' Grace
Year 2
'I like animals' Ben
'I want to save animals' Connor
Year 3
'I really wanted to help save our planet' Oliver
'I want to help the environment and stop global warming' Rory
'I love animals and all plants' Elinor
Year 4
'I want to look after nature' Lucy
'To make the world a better place' Ethan
Year 5
'I want to help the environment and help suffering animals' Sienna-Rose
'I want to help with deforestation, climate change and littering' Jorja
'I want to save animals, look after the environment, and stop global warming' Lucy
Year 6
'I want to help school to be more eco-friendly and stop global warming' Beth
'I want to save the environment and get rid of plastic pollution' Lily
Actions 2020-2021
Wear It Wild Day 16th July
The Eco-Council invited the school to come dressed as their favourite animal to raise awareness of endangered creatures. Our 'Wear It Wild' Day target was to raise money for the World Wildlife Foundation and recognise the amazing work they do to protect animals on the brink of extinction.
Great British Spring Clean 28th May - 13th June
Eco-Council registered a pledge with Keep Britain Tidy that every child in school would spend an hour working on the Spring clean of our school, either picking up litter or cleaning and tidying our environment.The PTA supported this event by purchasing a class set of litter pickers.
Earth Day 22nd April
Eco-Councillors led class assembly in each class to promote Earth Day and encourage their class to make a promise to help ‘Restore’ our Earth; for example, choosing to walk instead of using the car or saving energy by switching off electrical appliances at home. Each class took part in simple walks around the grounds and visiting the school gardens to celebrate nature. Some classes took part in art projects using recycled materials by creating Earth as a collage. Year 5 made a fantastic corridor display of their pledges to the Earth, Year 4 worked out their carbon footprint and Year 2 have applied for their Blue Peter Green badge.
Message from Sir David Attenborough
Waste Week 8th - 14th March
Eco-Council led their classes to take part in 'Waste Week' to encourage all to think about the impact of food waste and do something about it, a good start being eating all their lunches! Did you know that the amount of edible food wasted in the UK could fill eight Wembley Stadiums? Check out some more fascinating food facts. 20 Amazing Waste Facts
The school got involved in the Great Busta Bake Competition creating dishes from leftover food or over ripe food such as over ripe bananas, bread crusts etc).
Waste It's Not Rubbish assembly
Fairtrade Fortnight 22nd February - Friday 5th March
Once again this year Eco Council championed everyone to take part in the 90 kg rice challenge. They were delighted to have sold all their rice raising over £300 for this worthy cause.
Rice farmers in Malawi struggle to earn enough money to support their families. Primary school is free, but families must pay for secondary education for their children. Thanks to the support of our school community they have enabled one rice farmer to send a child to senior school for a year.
Recycling for Christmas displays
Eco-Councillors are championing their class to recycle any silver packaging that can be used to collage silver stars for our Christmas hall displays this year.
How 'Green' is your class?
Our Eco-Councillors are helping their class to think about sustainability. How Green Is My Class Activity
The Eco-Council class assembly discussion enables everyone in the class to contribute to protecting the natural world and identify what they are going to do to build on it this year.
A Climate for Change 
'A Climate for Change' Creative Arts Week October 2020
Eco Council have teamed up with our Art Subject Lead to create this PowerPoint to share with our class communities. This year during Creative Arts Week we celebrated a creative approach to reinforcing the message of looking after our world.
What Eco-Council 2020-2021 think
Year 4: Olivia
'I really wanted to be class Eco-Councillor because it is very important to me that we look after our school environment and our planet. I always try to recycle my waste plastic and cardboard, as well as being careful not to leave lights and taps on unnecessarily. It is really important for us to do these things now to save our planet and the future of our school.'
Year 5: Manraj
'I chose to be Eco-Council because I want to tell people to stop littering and save the planet. I’d like to show people how to recycle at home like by switching off the lights when not needed and turning off the TV when not watching.'
Year 6: Poppy
'I wanted to be Eco-Councillor in my class because I care about our planet and what lives on it. I also wanted to be in Eco-Council so I could spread the message of stopping pollution, climate change,plastic pollution and loads more.'
Actions 2019-2020
This year Eco Council’s main focus is improving the school environment, particularly the school grounds. Eco-Council will be working closely with Mrs LaVigna and Mrs Coe to maintain the Millenium Garden; other gardening projects are being planned for the Spring term. The councillors have already cleared and replanted a flower bed – look out for beautiful, nectar-rich plants, which should attract lots of bees and butterflies, outside Mrs Brookson’s classroom. During Fairtrade Fortnight we ask families to send in wrappers and packets from Fairtrade products to show their support in the community.
Recycling Projects
Christmas cards
Eco-Council are supporting St.Giles Hospice tree planting scheme by collecting and recycling unwanted Christmas cards throughout the month of January 2020, they counted 4000 in total!
Pens, batteries and plastic bottle tops
The main collection points for batteries are in the entrances to both the Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 buildings. Eco-Councillors collect any used pens or plastic bottle tops.