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Together we play, learn and succeed

'Dorridge Primary SChooL'


Behaviour at Dorridge is outstanding.  Our Behaviour Policy clearly highlights our expectations as well as clearly explaining our systems for rewards and sanctions.  

Our main Reward system in school is Class Dojo.  This is an online platform that all staff in school have access to, rewarding any child in school with a DoJo who displays good conduct, effort or academic achievement.   As a parent, you are able to view your own child's profile and see the reasons they haev been awarded Dojos.


House System

All children at Dorridge Primary School are members of one of our four houses, which are named after castles in our area. The shields for each house are displayed in the two school halls and were designed by the children to represent things they wanted their house to stand for.

The aim of the House System is to encourage children to work together and give them a real sense of identity, as well as a means of encouraging high standards. The house system is used for team sports activities, competitions led by the school council, within the classroom at times for grouping the children to work on team building tasks. 

All children are allocated to a house on entry to school and then again in Year 3 after classes have been mixed for KS2.

Red – Warwick

Green – Kenilworth

Yellow – Ludlow

Blue – Tamworth